Terrorism Is a Sponsored Threat for India; Franchise May Expand the Business Globally!
Indians are badly looking for a “James Bond.” The plot of terrorism is thickening with each passing attack. Look at the trends in the previous decades; terrorists were claiming that the attack of terror is an act of revenge. Then came another phase, where the acts of terror on the Indian soil acted like the so-called deterrence against the atrocities of Indian Armed Forces. The ‘9-11’ attack on Mumbai, however, changed a few things about this regular perception of various agencies. It was an attack designed to leave some long-term economic impacts. The toll of this attack reached to a level where the Indian Sensex fell down; it halted the economic activity at the summit level. It was an attack that left the impacts of a proxy war on the Indian economy.
It Is Not the Magnitude of the Crime, but the Motive behind It That Matters Now
Terrorism has become a “white-collar job” in the Indian subcontinent. You might have seen many Hollywood movies where they depicted some sleeper cells of the terrorist groups working at various places and creating a support system for the terrorist attacks in the country. It is happening in India. Recent investigations of terror attacks revealed many such activities in social spheres. You are not safe anywhere – is the message! They are planning an attack on your business. They are here to topple your calculations for the next business season.
Organized Business Community of India Is the Worst Sufferer in the Last Few Years
Here, we would like to mention a few things from a report tabled by the FICCI in 2011; where they said that the primary function of the military forces was to handle extreme attacks carried out on the borders and other extreme attacks carried out by the unruly masses. Now, things have changed; now these forces are facing organized attacks from the side of an unknown enemy. In the same FICCI summit, another interesting and unfortunate observation came into the foray of the business community; this observation was all about the risk factors that can destroy the business environment of the country. Indians need a James Bond to first figure out the black sheep that is supporting these heinous acts of crime. Indians certainly need a “PHANTOM” to eradicate these evil forces and restore a peaceful business environment where a young country like India can prosper.
India Is a Risky Proposition for the FDI?
When we check out the cumulative impact of all the terror attacks carried out by Islamic and Non-Islamic outfits, we find that, the logistic impact of these attacks on the crime scene of India is just 1.3 percent. However, when we study the same in risk factor list of foreign direct investors, we find that 16 percent of the investors find terror as the primary threat when they are landing in India. Damage is already done; tourism industry is the worst sufferer. Places like Goa and others are under the scanner. The notion is clear; after the tourist heavens of Mumbai, Goa can be the next target. Religious festivals like “Kumbha” and others could also be in the radar.
Out-of-the-Box Solution Is Required to Handle This “In-the-Box” Problem
We need some James Bond, because we need an out-of- the-box solution for the same. Current scenario of reacting on a terror attack is pathetic and it can never solve the problem. See it in the reports of the Home Ministry and the Defense Ministry; they will tell you that during the fiscal year of 2014 and 2015, the Indian soil suffered from two attacks only. The death toll was x, the operation lasted Y hours; N numbers of brave soldiers gave away their supreme sacrifice.
Thanks for the Hype and Hoopla; We Are Ready for the Next Attack!
Social media platforms will share the images of the brave soldiers; people will hurl abuses on incompetent political leaders. Spokespersons of various political parties will tear apart each other on the non prime time of the News channels. Local politicians will carry out candle marches and protest marches. Within a week, things will fizzle out. Thanks for the drama; we are waiting for the next attack!
What Do You Think Is the Definition of Terror?
When we are punching the keys to writing this blog for you, military forces in Pakistan are battling it out against the terrorists inside a college of Peshawar. Peshawar is in Pakistan; a breeding ground for terrorists. Though, we do not have sufficient evidence to prove this statement. Let us face it; if we have sufficient evidence that non state actors of any country are breeding ground for terrorists, then, what are we waiting for? Hit them and hit them hard! We cannot do that; diplomatic immunities will not allow us. Why a breeding ground for terrorists is enjoying these “diplomatic immunities” is our question here.
Your Own Locality in India Is a Breeding Ground for the Terrorists
Indians are spending a lot of time and energy over these terror attacks. Media is over-busy in targeting various sects; but are you aware of the fact that no terrorist attack in India cannot be done without the local support. Right from 9/11 to the current Pathankot airbase attack, everything was well-planned; these attacks were minutely planned and designed for maximum damage in minimum time. How is it possible without the help of an insider? If there are insiders, then why are we not able to bring them under the radar of the investigating agencies?
Are You Aware of the Balance Sheet of “Mumbai Attacks?”
Pakistani agencies are denying it and Indian agencies are writing dossiers on it. From the surface, it looks as if it was the job of a “lone wolf,” but when we get into the details, we find that it was an organized terror attack. Attackers were well-aware of everything; their support systems were working fine even till the last moment. If we can calculate it on a rough estimation, we can loosely say that an organization requires nothing less than ten crore rupees to execute such type of an organized attack. Now who is funding these attacks? Who is investing money in the training camps? Let us move ahead and don’t always assume that Pakistan is safe, it’s not the case as they are also suffering heavily as a result of terrorist attacks. Now here comes an even bigger question. Who is sponsoring and how to get hold of them collectively? Unless Indian and Pakistan takes concrete actions against Jihadi groups things are going to same as they are now.
Stop Beating around the Bush
In last fifteen months, Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, did try his level best to deliver a strong message against this sponsored terrorism on various platforms. His worries are valid. Sponsored terrorism is not an Indian issue; it is a global threat. In one of his recent addresses, Prime Minister said that time has come when we need to rethink the concept of “good terrorism” and “bad terrorism.” He said, “UN is celebrating its 70th anniversary and still we are not clear about the “definition of terrorism.”
Terrorism as Propaganda to Threaten an Upcoming Economy
We need the liberty of a fiction writer to write a few things related to this global threat, which is associated with ‘terrorism.’ Terrorism is working as a political tool to destabilize the business equations of the world. In our views, it is an ugly face of world diplomacy where power cartels are planning attacks on various prospering sectors of the world economy. According to a hypothesis based on the current studies of terror attacks across the world, we can also reach this conclusion that global terrorism is employing cultural and religious difference as the fuel to destroy the economic stability of certain regions.
Somebody’s Music Is Somebody’s Noise
It is an old principle that is applicable on the definitions of “good terrorism” and “bad terrorism.” Time has come when economic forces of the world have to come on a common platform, where they can define what is bad and what is good, and counter the practice of terrorism, which is fuelled by economic powers on the pretext of cultural and religious differences.