Indian History & Journey in Last 2000 Years!
A country which has the 5000 years old civilization in the world i.e. Indus valley civilization. Indus is the longest river currently in Pakistan; the river begins in the Himalaya Mountains, and flows nearly 3000 kilometres to the Arabian Sea. In the Sanskrit language, the Indus was called the Sindhu. Hence, other rivers such as Sarasvati join the Indus as it flows down to the sea; therefore Indus Valley Civilization is also called Sindhu-Sarasvati civilization.
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India is known for its largest democracy, heritage, diversity, festivals, culture, cricket and many more things. Let’s explore variety of hidden facts about India and its people!

Who we are
We are a group of Indian professional residents living in the city of Manchester,UK. Having lived here in the UK for quite a sometime, we have formed a group of like-minded people to provide various services to help and support Indian community such as people who recently moved here from India or who already have been here in different walks of life.

Our Services
NRI Abroad is committed to offer and support welfare services to Indian people outside of India. From the outset NRI Abroad always exist to support the Indian community in the UK and realize the needs of each generations of Indian diaspora in the country.

Our Team
Anuj is a digital marketer and publisher. Over the past two decades, he is exposed to global affairs, for example stories that affect human beings globally. As a result, some societies care for their people and some don’t. Hence, all groups and societies have their say when it comes to support and well being for their people.

Get in touch
We have offices in Manchester (UK), New Delhi (India) and Dubai (UAE). For further inquiries & suggestions please feel free to drop us a mail at info@nriabroad.cm or you could always drop in for a coffee?
Celebrating Diwali & Dussehra-Festival of Lights
in November 2023
Diwali is perhaps the most well-known festivals of the Hindu’s. The word Diwali means ‘rows of lighted lamps’. Diwali is known as the ‘festival of lights’ because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small earthenware oil lamps called diyas. For many Indians this five day festival honours Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. People start the new business year at Diwali, and some Hindus will say prayers to the goddess for a successful year.
Lamps are lit to help Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, find her way into people’s homes.
What’s New
India is world’s largest democracy and second most populous country. Country is set to surpass China’s population in next 7 years if the same number of people are born every day as predicted. However, India is a fast growing and influential economy which emerged major power in the late 1990’s. We will keep focusing on societal issues that influence people and long term implications as a result !